Aggregate Ranking
CoinMarketCap’s aggregate rating feature represents an average of multiple ratings collected from various institutions including, but not limited to, TokenInsight, Certik and Xangle, and may change over time. It is a free informational feature and does not represent the rating of CoinMarketCap, or the opinions of its owners or employees.
The aggregate rating is a simple average calculated from the ratings that are available for each token. Example: if a token has the ratings 80/100, 70/100 and 60/100, the aggregate rating is 70/100 = 3.5 stars out of 5.
The aggregate rating may not accurately reflect the opinions of all users, and CoinMarketCap is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of the ratings used to generate the aggregate score, and cannot guarantee the quality or suitability of the projects based solely on the aggregate rating. CoinMarketCap receives no third-party incentive for providing the aggregate rating feature. Please use your own judgment and discretion when evaluating the information and services available on CoinMarketCap."
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