How can I submit a new exchange to be added to CoinMarketCap?
Please review our Listing Criteria on our methodology page.
If you would like to submit a request to have a new exchange added to CoinMarketCap, we kindly ask that you submit a request on our Request Form, select "2 - [New Listing Add exchange."
Due to the volume of daily requests that we receive, our content team must adhere to a strict set of criteria while deciding which new exchanges will be added.
Be mindful that there is no standard timeline or guaranteed outcome on listing for new exchange requests.
Our content team will reach out directly to the exchange's team only if we decide to move forward with the listing request.
Our content team must adhere to a strict set of criteria while deciding which new exchanges will be added. We perform our evaluation holistically and pay close attention to a multitude of factors (both quantitative and qualitative), such as the sources of the volume, project/product development, and community engagement.
We evaluate each exchange on a case-by-case basis.
It also bears mentioning that getting listed on our site is not simply a matter of ticking off a checklist or hitting predefined thresholds. As mentioned in our methodology, "inflating trading volume, traffic, or social media metrics will not increase a project's chances of getting listed."
Please refrain from sending duplicate requests as this will not help in getting your request expedited.
Even if the exchange is not listed right away, we will continue to keep a close eye on its progress and community interest. You may send us additional information about its progress (as a new request on the online submission form) to keep us updated, especially if it has made some noteworthy progress.
However, please do not submit duplicate requests as it will add to the request queue and may slow down the process.
Any attempt to "spam" the request form (or incite other entities into doing so on your behalf) is strongly discouraged and may result in the blacklisting of the exchange.
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